Wednesday, May 14, 2014

|Style| Chains and Lace

Spring is finally here!  And with spring comes the start of wedding season.  Coming from an Italian/Portuguese background, it’s hard to remember a spring/summer season growing up when I wasn’t attending a shower or wedding.  As I’ve gotten older, that hasn’t changed.  

One of my best friends from high school, Penny, is getting married in June.  This past saturday my best friend Sean and I (I met Sean and Penny in grade 9, they have been friends since kindergarden) headed to Guelph for Penny’s bridal shower.  

I originally bought this Evans green lace dress for my birthday party last year, but sadly it didn’t make it from the UK in time.  Since then it’s been living in my closet...waiting.  It originally had sheer lace 3/4 length sleeves.  Putting my shower look together before the weekend, I realized what it really needed was a revamp.  By taking the sleeves off, it made the dress look fresher.  To be honest the original sleeves aged the dress a bit for my taste.  
sunglasses - Penningtons | vest (former blazer) - Your Big Sister's Closet | dress (modified) - Evans | shoes - Forever 21

Keeping with my alteration theme, I also altered my now vest.  Originally the vest was a blazer from Your Big Sister’s Closet.  I loved the shape of the blazer the moment I got it, but like most jackets I try on the sleeves needed to be tailored a little.  I made that adjustment a while ago and still wan’t satisfied.  Then I made them into short sleeves, which was cute, but ultimately decided what I needed was a blazer inspired vest (very on trend at the moment), which was the perfect topper for my dress. 

necklace - Bitter Sweet | watch, rings and earrings - Aldo Accessories | cuff - Forever 21 | lipstick - MAC Morange
This look says polished yet edgy.  I finished off the ensemble with a few key gold accessories.  I kept the rings minimal to really showcase my larger cocktail ring.  I also played down my earrings to allow the main focus of the look to be centered around this fantastic necklace.  I like the harder contrast it brings the softness of the lace.

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